Thursday, June 12, 2008

She wants FABULOUS!!

We have been waiting all winter to buy a pool for Anni.

Last week the day finally came. It was a family outing. We piled in the car go to Wally World to make our purchase. We rush home and...............well after setting everything out we realized there was not one level spot in our yard. However, we tried as best we could to make it work. It didn't...... after filling the pool to about 5 or 6 inches (on one side) the whole thing collapsed. Anni was not impressed. I got frustrated and James just walked off and sat with his back to it. (I think he was trying to keep the 4 year old from hearing some major bad words) I went in the house and called my good friend Michelle Kiefer (not that I'm required to give her credit or anything) to vent and she says, "be sure to take pics so you can blog about it. So here I am. Telling the tale.
Anyway, after we settled down, we decided that this little pool would not get the best of us. So we did what anyone would do. We hired professionals to come and level a spot in the yard.
First we had a few days of severe thunder storms to deal with. That held us up. Then two days later the dump truck and tractor arrived. They dump the dirt, they level it and then they leave a load of sand. (for us to spread - we didn't want to pay for anything more...... should have)

The day finally came when we could set the pool up. We started spreading the sand. I thought I would die. I asked James, "can you explain to me again why we didn't want to spend the money to have them do this?" He just grunted and I took that as my cue to shut the trap and keep shoveling. The side of the box boasted, "ready for water in 10 minutes!" Well........ it took us a week and much more money than we planned on spending.

After we managed to get everything set up and filling we thought everything was going to go smooth from there. WRONG! Once the pump was purring like a kitten, the hose sprung a leak and started spitting water everywhere. We were once again off to Wally World praying they had a replacement hose. They did thank the GOOD LORD. Poor James was kneeling in the dirt, in the dark at 10:45 changing out the hose. It all worked but the next morning he realized the lid to the pump was loose and it leaked water all night.

Once we fixed that problem it seems we now have a gloriously working pool for our precious little one. (I'm smiling and gritting my teeth while saying this)
It was a frustrating experience to say the least. But I have to say that when she finally hit that cold water, giggling and squealing in delight, it made it all worth it.

She actually jumped up and down and said, "You da best mommy and daddy in da whole wurd!" I guess we should soak this up before she figures out the truth!

We love you Anni Girl!!!!! Happy Summer


james said...

I wasnt cursing I was reflecting in peaceful solitude.

Chelle said...

I love the picture of James pouting in the chair. Classic!

james said...

I was meditating Michelle...and looking for a loon

Chelle said...

I'm sorry but I'm still LOVING the picture of James ticked off sitting in the chair! It CRACKS ME UP!!!!

Gena said...

I think it was one of my best ispiriational moments as a photographer! You think Sharon would be proud?