Getting into the spirit of things Anni had to pose by her new BullPup magnet on the back of the car. It didn't show up real well but Anni's cute anyway.
Then it was time to buckled in and head off for the big day! I think Anni was a little nervous, but she is such a trooper, it was hard to really tell. When we arrived at the school, we were routed to the cafeteria, then to Mrs. Johnson's room. Anni looked a little overwhelmed and I thought she might cry, but I realized this was the first time she had been in the school with "all" the rest of the kids. Of course, they were everywhere. The hallways were crowded and bustling with activity. She held on to my pants leg for dear life. I stopped and told her, everything was okay, and that we wouldn't leave her until we got her settled in with her teacher. As we approached her classroom door, Mrs. Johnson stepped out, and all of the anxiety simply drained from Anni's little body. Mrs. Johnson was Anni's Teacher the last week of the Jumpstart program this summer and she new from the Kindergarten orientation day, that Mrs. Johsnon would be her official teacher this year. I was so happy to see her relax and feel secure with her. Mrs. Johnson is a good Christian woman and goes to the church we attend. Again, God is taking care of us.
Then it was time for Mommy and Daddy to go home so we left our little BullPup to make her way into the world. It was scary but I handled it much better than the first day of Jumpstart.
At 2:30 I found myself sitting in the car counting down the minutes until Anni would be led out the door. The Kindergarten classes are brought out of the building through a different door than everyone else and walked to the recieving area by an aid so the parents can pick them up right at the fence. I waited and waited and then there she was. If you look really close you can see the pink lunchbox on the left side near the bush. That's my little girl. Only she's not so little anymore.
Thanks for leaving out the part where I cried like a bably in the garage after we got home
Is it in my head or does she seriously look more grown on her way to school than she did at the fair?
Thanks for the post, it made me weepy so I was kicking myself a little for asking for it, but it was so sweet and you really did a good job writing about it so it was totally worth it :) What a blessing about her teacher! God is so good! And you are so brave!
Actually James, I did but I deleted before I posted. I can't beleive you blabbed anyway! Sheeze a weez! lol
And Lauren, Yes, she does look more grown. I think she looks more grown everyday! That makes me weepy! :) But I'm glad you enjoyed the post.
good stuff! i love how kids grow. it's neat to teach them and then seem them get to try stuff out on their own. it's amazing. i love it. she'll do great in school. love you guys!
Well, for the record, I HATE it when they grow up! It happens too fast! But, of course we love our Anni! I know she is LOVING school! You guys are super great parents! It seems like just yesterday we were dedicating her...
Anni, "Uncle Teeve" is SO proud of you!
Ahhh... Anni is such a sweet little girl. And yes she is still a little girl. She will do well in kindergarden.
She's a little "BullPup"! How stinking cute is that!!!?
And James... Jeramy cried too.
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