One thing Anni loves to do with her daddy in the winter is shovel snow. Well, since we haven't had our first snow yet, Anni decided to take advantage of the opportunity to get in shape by shoveling leaves. While most people would use a rake, not our Anni, she prefers her handy-dandy-Anni-sized-little red snow shovel!
Of course the whole process is about having fun so when the pile is complete the only thing left to do is........................... Pick up as many as you can hold and .....................................
THROW THEM INTO THE AIR!!!!!! YAY! She was having such a good time I had to take some pics. The snow is on the way, you can feel it in the air, but playing in the leaves was just fine for now.
The throwing continues until she's exhausted or the leaves have to once again be shoveled. (Got to keep up that training you know!)
Of course she had to show me them "shuga lips" and beg me for some "warm shocolit" (that is the correct Anniese term for hot cocoa.)
It was a big day for her, this was also the same day she went bowling, after the leaves of course. Gotta love those Shuga Lips!! I think I have almost got her trained well enough that Daddy can let her have ALL the fun of shoveling the snow!!!
How adorable! She really is such a ball of energy that girl! Love her!!!
'Now FAITH is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see'. GREAT FAITH ANNI! Snow is just a matter of time.
Making piles of leavs and jumping in them then throwing them up in the air was something I always LOVED to do when I was a kid. I love the smell of fall and the leaves. There's nothing like it. Well, except bacon frying, coffee perking, cheesecake baking.......OMGosh.....I have to eat!
See ya!
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