Thursday, October 30, 2008

It's All Good

October has been a pretty good time for the family. We have gone on a field trip with the Kindergarten class to a pumpkin patch, taken in a concert in the mountains, and enjoyed a evening by the fire pit in our back yard to celebrate my birthday. It's all good, as they say around here.
You know there is just something about looking into a fire that makes you think. (At least it always has that affect on me) As I sat there I thought about everything that has changed in my life over the course of the last year. Wow! The first thing that came to mind was I was convinced that I probably wouldn't be alive this year. I was battling fatigue and depression and the enemy almost won. That's not something I'm proud of but God had mercy on me and helped me get to this point. I have met wonderful new friends, had a great spring with lovedones, and actually got my dream car. I'm 44. Big deal, so I'm getting old. I love my husband, I love my daughter, I'm losing weight, how could I ask for more? When I look at the shape this world is in. I'm glad I've got it this good. It's all good! It really is!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Mommy and Daddy Visit School!

Friday, October 10 there was a special celebration in Anni's class to show off the class' writing skills and achievements. Each child was given a folder in which to keep daily written or illustrated work. I think the idea is to understand the concept of expressing oneself creatively. Since Anni is only beginning to write letters, most of her work was of the illustration variety. But Mommy and Daddy were proud!
The teacher took our picture while Anni was showing us all of her pictures. Many of them were pictures of Mommy, Daddy, Annie and Bit Bit (the dog). She's all about the family! I was happy to see that. She was so proud of her class. She took us around and introduced us to her friends.
We finally got to meet the children we had been hearing about for the past 6 weeks. She really loves her teacher and I am so thankful for that. She seems to really care about the kids and communicates weekly with parents. I failed to get a picture of Mrs. Johnson. I'll be sure to do that next time.I was a little sad though. James and I and one other parent were the only ones to show up for the celebration. We tried to visit all the other kids tables to let them show off their work too. They all seem so little. My heart breaks to think they are disappointed. But I think we spread the love pretty well. Anni seemed to act as hostess taking us from table to table telling us who was who. She always seems to be so sensitive of other people's feelings. I think she felt bad for the other kids too.
This is Anni's beautiful masterpiece of buttons and letters and of course the portrait of Mommy and Daddy dancing at the top.

All in all it was a great time. She's growing so fast. I don't want to miss a minute of it. I know this may not be such an exciting blog for most of you out there, but my little family is one of the most precious gifts God has given me, so that's what I write about.

We love you Anni. Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

God Must Really Love Me!

This past weekend my wonderful hubby surprised me with an early birthday present. Our little family headed to the mountains of West Virginia Friday night and then on Saturday night James took us to a concert perfomred by my all-time favorite artist; Craig Morgan.

Anni is also a fan and this was her first concert. It was fun to watch her get excited about the music and the lights, although the poor thing was up way past her bedtime and barely made it through the show. But she had a blast! Especially when his encore number was her favorite song: International Harvester. Of course before the show we hit the t-shirt table and Daddy had to get an official Craig Morgan glow stick for the girl. Then it was time for the show. We had great seats only about 11 rows back. It was a pretty small venue. The show was absolutely awesome!!!!

During the show there was much talk of the new CD that will be coming out on the 21st. (the other half of my birthday present). One of the new songs is entitled, "God Must Really Love Me." Craig Morgan is a decorated army veteran and has a firm belief in God, family and country. Many of his songs speak of how God has blessed his life.
While he was singing this song the words jumped off the stage at me.
The fact that I am alive today is proof that God must really love me.
Its a simple thought but sometimes I
think we try to make God's love so complicated. But the truth is, He just really loves us. The proof is all around us. The miracle of a baby's birth or a beautiful sunset and the majesty of his creation.
During the song I looked at James and Anni and almost cried. God must really love me! If i died today, I couldn't ask for more than God has already blessed me with. I have no reason to complain.
I went to this concert excited about seeing a famous artist whom I admire and respect and was given much more than a good show. I was amazed to find my self reminded of what a great God I serve, and how much he loves me!