Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Fair is Fair!

After a pretty stressful month the Mitchell family decided to close out the summer with a night of family fun at the Page County Fair. We looked at live stock, rode rides, and had ice cream. Anni deserved the break as much anyone and she had a blast.

She loved the lights, the ice cream, the animals..... the night was an all around success.

My baby is not a baby anymore. She started Kindergarten this week. I can already see the beautiful (inside and out) young lady she is growing into. I am glad we got to spend this special time with her.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

She's may be nicer but I'm Sweeter! Honest!

This is my sister Toni. She has always told everyone, "Gena's prettier, but I'm nicer." I'm not going to say there is much truth in that statement but, as of yesterday, I can honestly say, "I'm sweeter!" Yes folks as you can see I have documented proof that Gena Mitchell is way too sweet.

First you must understand how terrified I am of doctors and anything involving the possibility of discomfort, and while I seem to be making light of the situation right now, I can assure you I have been under extreme stress for the past four weeks, dealing with some health and emotional issues. Because of this, I had to visit my doctor yesterday, and I have officially been diagnosed, diabetic, which is not surprising since my parents developed the disease as well. My sister, God love her, although she has battled many other ailments, has perfectly normal sugar levels, which brings me to the point of this blog. HEY TONI! I'M SWEETER!!!!

Seriously, I love my sister. She's a nurse and knows my fears. She was, and still is, a tremendous help to me during this time. She let me cry and be irrational, and loved me anyway.

I cannot forget to mention a few other people who have been so supportive. Becky, I love you, thank you for helping me with the diet. We can do this! And Chelle, thanks for enduring all of the crazy text messages and knowing when to give me my space. I so wish we could be closer. Thank you, Steve too, for your love and prayers. They meant more than you will ever know.
Last and certainly not least, James. I could not have gotten through yesterday, or the past month without you. I love you.

For me, this journey is just beginning, but I'm doing much better today. God has blessed me with a doctor who is far more patient and understanding than I have ever known a doctor to be. I am constantly amazed at the grace I am shown by the Father. To think it would matter to Him that I am afraid. I have no words to describe how humbled I feel. Thank you Lord.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Georgia On My Mind

I know it has been quite some time since the blog world has heard from me. Please excuse my absence. I have been otherwise occupied with life and this is the first time I have either had the chance to post or felt like doing so.

Two days ago Anni and I returned from a two-week visit with my sister, Toni, in Valdosta, Georgia. It had been close to a year since the last time we were together and the visit was overdue.
My niece Becky and her two daughters had just moved down so our days were busy job hunting and just catching up on each others lives. Toni works a full-time job so my time with her was limited to evenings. We spent lots of time playing spades, hearts, Mexican train dominoes and darts. We had a blast. Lots of needed laughs for all of us

I realized that I don't miss the humidity of the South. It rained most of the time I was there but at least it offered some needed relief from the heat. I don't know how I survived before!

The morning I left was Katia's first day of Kindergarten, I didn't get a good picture of Becky which is why she is not shown. (Mommy was not a happy camper and I didn't think she would appreciate the only pic I had of her) Katia was a little apprehensive but excited. Her school is brand new so the building is bright shiny and new.
Larry is as crazy as ever (I'm sure it has nothing to do with living with Toni) and there doesn't seem to be any hope for change. At this point we wouldn't want him to change anyway! He keeps the family supplied with lots of laughs. There's one in every family.

Not much else to report right now. If I can recover from the two 14-hour drives in the past two weeks, hopefully I will be back regularly. Next time I'm definitely not going without someone to help me drive or I'm going to fly! What was I thinking? It was great to get to see the family though.